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1.    Promote the FF911Truth logo and website by wearing our pin-badge, displaying a car window sticker, wearing our clothing, and if you wish take part in our "Photo Challenge".


2.    Write to your local Chief Fire Officer (UK) or Fire Chief (USA) with this suggested letter.


3.    Place an advertisement in your local paper such as this.


4.    Put this tear-strip information notice on a local information board in your town, college, school, community center or Fire Station.

5.    Go to a large car park in town, the mall or at an event and put these adverts on vehicles.

6.    Pay for a billboard advert.


7.    Buy a USB memory stick,  load it with "Calling OUT Bravo-7" and ask your local Fire Service management to watch it.  Describe it as a technical Fire service documentary of significant public interest and safety.  Ask them why this isn’t being publicly addressed by the Fire Service, which is expected by the public to serve the people’s best interests and safety?  Ask why the Fire Service isn’t talking truth to power in their field of expertise, especially on a matter of such importance, with massive implications.


8.    Another group of institutional bodies with even greater responsibility than the Fire Service, for holding authorities to account, speaking truth to power, and protecting Firefighter safety is the Fire Service union bodies, such as the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) in North America and Canada, or the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) in the United Kingdom.  If you are a member, paying the wages of these union’s professional officials, please write to them and ask why they are maintaining a position of complicit silence on these matters.  You can additionally also ask your union representatives the same questions.


9.  Firefighters, under Health and Safety legislation (UK) (USA equivalent?), are legally obliged to report and mitigate health and safety hazards in the workplace.  Someone who chooses to believe the official story of 9/11 should really be asking serious questions of ongoing operational firefighting procedures for dealing with high-rise fires, as detailed in “Calling Out Bravo-7” and this report.  


10.    Write to your local public and political representative(s) with this suggested letter.

11.  To all the Firefighters on the sidelines or taking cover in the shadows who know the truth but don’t know where to turn or how to help, you might consider these options.



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