Firefighters Speak Out in Honor
Beginning in September 2022, firefighters from around the world are choosing to honor the fallen 343 firefighters with a noble pledge of “Never forget. But misled, never again!’.
The American firefighter pledge is a promise of honor, loyalty and dedication to the Constitution of the United States “against all enemies, foreign and domestic”, to the public we serve, to our profession and to our fellow firefighters. We pledge to faithfully fulfill all the responsibilities of our position without hesitation, bias or mental reservation. We conduct ourselves with honor and respect. To have honor, is to have integrity and solid principles guided by good conscience. To act with honor is to do what is right and conscientious.

'Never forget' - We will always remember the bravery and dedication of the 343 who carried out their duties on 9/11 and sadly lost their lives. We honor their professionalism, their bravery and their loss. To honor them, we do not fear speaking the truth or asking the right questions in good conscience.

To do what is right we must be prepared to enter the 'fire' and take a look without bias. We must be certain that the account we have been given is accurate and complete, honest and honorable. To do what is right in their name, we must ensure that the story we have been told is true. Then, and only then, must we 'Never forget'. We must be sure we know what is true, with integrity and honor, THEN we never forget.

“Misled?” – Obviously, this can only be determined by exploring the verifiable facts and the science-based evidence. But with so much noise, uncertainty and corrupted data in the system, we need something we can trust. When a trusted source is identified which highlights convincing evidence-based contradictions, we have to call into question our previous positions or misconceptions. To be without bias, we must be open to new information.
To assess the new evidence and information which has come to light, and to understand more about why we are standing together, we recommend that you watch the documentary 'Calling Out Bravo 7'.
Calling OUT Bravo-7, 2020 Edition

“Never again” – Avoiding a repeat of the past is only possible if our assessment of what happened is genuinely accurate and true. If new evidence has come to light, we have a moral obligation and a duty to re-evaluate our understanding and position.

“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Having re-evaluated the evidence and faced the truth, in good conscience knowing that it is the right thing to do, the honorable thing to do, we speak out. If you are a professional firefighter (or know one), serving or retired, and would like to add your name, picture or voice to this ‘Wall of Honor’, please get in touch by clicking the button below.